Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cultural Respect

As everyone knows, One World One Dream. Yes, our world is a very big family which contains more than 2000 races in more than 200 countries and regions. So, certainly there are so many different cultures in the world but mutual respects at the same time.

In my opinion, a culture represents a spirit of the group people. It is like that we live in different regions, eat different kinds of food , speak different languages, so we may consider things in different ways too. I guess that’s how different cultures come.

But we can’t deny that we live on one planet. There is one heaven above all of us. We have the same look in general, no matter what color we are or religion we believe in. So there is always something that can be described by the word Mutual. And respect is one of them.

We used to live in a place which has 46 races. Those 46 races believe in more than 10 different religions. In order to live together peacefully, we must learn to respect all the races. Not having the same beliefs makes us having different life styles of eating, clothes, and so on. In our group, Lily is a Christian but Fatuma is Muslim as Shower believes in Buddha. There is no problem about the differences among us. We live in one house , take our meals together, we live as we were sisters. Because we know that all the races and religions are respectful. Every cultural has some aspects which are fun and acceptable to copy. And all the religions are respectful.

Because we have the same name, it is Human Being. When we find differences from other people, they also find differences from us. Think about it, how it feels when you found different and people actually laugh at you for those things you think normal. Of course you are going to be very angry, and angriness always causes fighting; fighting becomes war. But we should remember that no matter how different we are, we have the same forefathers and we are human being. How can we fight with brothers and sisters of our own?

Being wisely, we need to make the world a better place for our children, and our children’s children. So, no war, no fight, no angriness, but respect.

2 评论:

shapx said...
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shapx said...

this is such a wonderful effort.. the poster truly reflects harmony.. seems that you're now under the watchful eyes of both me and Ms Irma.. You must have done a great job since you've got our attention! In terms of writing, u might want to be more consistent with the use of tenses.

nice work