Monday, March 23, 2009

Story of Idioms

I.The Elephant In A Room

The elephant in the room (also elephant in the living room, elephant in the parlor, elephant in the corner, elephant on the dinner table, elephant in the kitchen, elephant on the coffee table, and horse in the corner) is an English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook; so, people in the room who pretend the elephant is not there might be concerning themselves with relatively small and even irrelevant matters, compared to the looming big one.

II.Have one's cake and eat it too

To have one's cake and eat it too means that taking advantage of or using up a particular thing and, then, after that thing is gone or no longer reasonably available, still attempting to benefit from or use it. It may also indicate having or wanting more than one can handle or deserve, or trying to have two incompatible things. It is a popular English idiomatic proverb of speech and is most often used negatively.

III.Between the devil and the deep blue sea

"Between the devil and the deep blue sea" is an idiom meaning to choose between two undesirable situations .is an American popular song published in 1932. The music was written by Harold Arlen, the lyrics by Ted Koehler. It was originally recorded by Cab Calloway.It is now considered a standard, with recordings by many artists, such as George Harrison. Frank Sinatra also recorded the song in 1959.The phrase also pops up in the Billy Bragg song "The Short Answer" from his 1988 album Workers Playtime. It is also referenced in the songs "Love Song For A Witch" by Dog Fashion Disco on their Committed To A Bright Future album from 2003, "Spaceman" by The Killers from their 2008 release Day & Age, and "The Other Side" by Aerosmith, among others.

My story:Belly has made up her mind to work hard to change the situation that she is the last one in the class.But this is the matter between the devil and the deep blue sea to get the first place in one month.She has to lean very hard to catch up with the rest,that's the elephant in the room.Here I have a bood tool book to help her,she can take this cake and eat it.

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